SensIR’s hyperspectral sensors are small, light, and rugged. The Lens Based Design uses VPH (Volume Phase Holographic) transmission diffraction gratings and proprietary lens designs to deliver exceptional imaging quality at low f/#’s. Our high throughput design provides high signal-to-noise spectra at high frame rates. Our VPH Gratings have the Highest Diffraction Efficiency with low Polarization Dependence.


Our designs are line-scanning hyperspectral cameras often referred to as “Pushbroom Scanning”. One column of spatial pixels is collected per frame with each row containing full spectral data. Motion can be accomplished in two ways: either as an airborne deployment on a drone of aircraft, or translating the sample on a stage of conveyor belt. A third option is also available where pan-and-tilt or rotary stages allow a fixed-location hyperspectral sensor to scan a stationary object.

(919) 308-7731

104 South Estes Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514